Friday, November 2, 2007

Watch Yer Step!!

So here it is, my first Friday night (not ever of course, but since I've started my weight loss/get healthy trek), and I've decided to type an entry into my blog. My wife has abandoned me for the evening to hang out with a few of her friends so I'm left to fend for myself. I've had a few whisky and waters so I'm feelin pretty good, but also just a tad bit down. That makes no sense but I'll try to explain.
OK so I got home from work this afternoon and my wife went out to meet a few friends at happy hour. A few hours have gone by and my girls have gone to sleep so I decide to have a few JD's to take the edge off from a long week at work. I guess the reason that I feel a little down is because I know that with the few drinks that I've had, comes a few unwanted calories. This "moral" dilemma started me thinking about this whole weight loss journey that I'm starting on and a question thats been running thru my mind since I started.....
Is there any quest that a person can embark on that has more built in pit falls / derailers/ land mines involved? From where I sit I don't know that there is.
I have a 7 mile drive to work and I bet on my route there's probably 25 places to get quick food, whether it be a fast food drive thru or a Kyoto Bowl in a strip center. Once I get to work unscathed, there's more stormy waters that I've got to navigate. Either it's "An agent is buying lunch for the everyone, what would you like from here", or "everyone is ordering from such and such a restaurant, would you like to join us", or "pot luck next Tuesday, what would you like to bring?" I politely decline, trying to steer a course for calmer waters (usually). I leave from work and pass those same 25 restaurants that I ingnored on the way there, only to arrive at home. Home sweet home, should be my safe house, my sanctuary.......right? Not yet I guess, there's alcohol (check), my daughters Halloween candy (check, 2 pieces last night), frozen chicken nuggets (no check yet, but VERY tempting), and countless other things that threaten to push my dinghy off course (keeping with the "lost at sea theme" ;).
I remember reading one of Billy's posts where his mother had a special meal that she cooked for a certain occasion every year, and when he and his brother didn't eat as much as usual and Jay didn't take any home, their mother was quite disappointed. I'd venture to say that most of us have similar stories about certain times. Just another example of the constant battering that one receives when trying to accomplish this goal.
I guess I don't know where I'm going with this other than to say that those of you who have made it thru this maze of temptation should be damn proud of yourselves (although I'm sure the temptation never completely disappears). AND those of us who're just beginning, well, here's to keeping our blinders on and continuing to push towards our goals. CHEERS!!
PS- On a completely different note, please disregard my question #2 from my last blog. My GLORIOUS scale has me down 4 lbs this week so far. As long as it gives me this kind of feedback, I continue to trust its numbers ;)~ Monday morning was 278 and this morning it said 274.
Y'all have a great weekend now, ya hear!


Rob Tucker said...

We all face what you're facing, you're definitely not alone.

This isn't an easy trail, we've said a hundred times that this is one of those things you can't just avoid. People at work, all those fast food joints, you name it - they're major speed bumps.

That's why this Coalition is so important. I find myself held accountable to you guys - and that really helps me. I did my 5k this morning, and I would have NEVER made it non-stop if it wasn't for the Coalition. I wanted to report in that I accomplished this, and I did. It's the same way with food.

Use us as your judge and jury. You'll find that things come easier that way. Great work, and great early weight loss. You're definitely going to be one of our success stories!

Jim McCoy said...

The temptation thing DOES suck, but it's all about how you handle it. Lord knows I've been there, and trust me, when you E dinner at 5:30 or so and then leave work at midnight in an area where all of the fast food places are open until 1 AM it's not easy, but I manage to do it too. At least I'm not too bad about the candy. We've still got candy left over from last Christmas, so it could be worse there too. The moral of the story is to stay focused, and to think about all the hard work you're about to UNdo when you eat crap.

Brian said...

how did the weekend go?

kyle said...

That's what my post was going to be about today. I can already see that weekends are going to be my problem areas. EVERY weekend there is some sort of family gathering that goes on, and these past two days I failed miserably. Back on the horse today with more understanding of what I need to prepare for. I'm still learning.

Ripx180 said...

Sorry to hear you had a bad weekend. I too find the weekends to be the hardest. Mine was far from good too. The only thing we can do is what you said, get back on and move forward.

Kristen said...

Most of us all have these same struggles with the constant temptation. I usually play the bad/better game. IF I happen to succumb to the temptation, I'll try to only get one bad thing - or a smaller set of bad things. It's not ideal, but it helps curb the cravings. Unfortunately, it has backfired on me at times...only whetting my appetite for more bad stuff.

I wish I could say that it gets easier over time, but that's not exactly true. However, I do find that my weak days are usually linked to emotions, whether it be stress or boredom or whatever. I find now that I'm happier (because I feel better about myself), I am tempted a little less than before. Plus, if I'm focused on seeing results, I don't want to sabotage all my hard work on stupid Taco Bell...sometimes.